Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Results from Chakra test
I took the Chakra test thanks to the link Kaddu provided. I was not surprised that my upper chakras are more open than the lowers, but I was surprised at how much room there is for an increase in each of them. Is it really possible to have your heart be negative open? Seems so. Hmmmmmmm. It reflects the reality of today, but not tomorrow. Guess I better start doing more daily meditations and Reiki self-treatments. And prayer.

Root Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye Crown

Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: open (19%)
Navel: open (38%)
Heart: under-active (-19%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye: open (63%)
Crown: open (63%)
Percentages go from -100% to +100%

Further information
What this means
Open your under-active chakras

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm! Your lower chakras are still in much better shape than most Reiki people. I have noticed this trend that most Reiki practitioners develop a very strong imbalance between their upper & lower chakras. Apparently, the Reiki attunements are focussed at opening the upper 4 chakras... & if we don't do a daily chakra balancing or full body self healing, the lower chakras tend to become underactive.
