Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I took the Chakra test thanks to the link Kaddu provided. I was not surprised that my upper chakras are more open than the lowers, but I was surprised at how much room there is for an increase in each of them. Is it really possible to have your heart be negative open? Seems so. Hmmmmmmm. It reflects the reality of today, but not tomorrow. Guess I better start doing more daily meditations and Reiki self-treatments. And prayer.
Root Sacral Navel Heart Throat Third Eye Crown
Root: under-active (0%)
Sacral: open (19%)
Navel: open (38%)
Heart: under-active (-19%)
Throat: open (56%)
Third Eye: open (63%)
Crown: open (63%)
Percentages go from -100% to +100%
Further information
What this means
Open your under-active chakras
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Reaching for "The Cup of Life"
A very warm “Hello” to all the readers of this blog from India! I am Kaddu – an Usui Reiki Level III Healer… and this is my very first post here. So, as you can see, I’m fumbling a little bit, as to what to write about! But, I’m sure I’ll soon get into the “flow” and will start contributing on a regular basis here!
In the meanwhile, you can feel free to check out my personal blog “miss_teerious”, which is more like a record of all the lessons I have learnt in the last 2 years – about relationships, about life, about people and their fears, and why they don’t heal! I have also penned-down some sudden insights I received, as well as some miraculous Reiki healings I experienced!
For those of you who wish to know more about Reiki & what exactly it is, you may go through my other blog “Healers’ Lounge”. I started this blog sometime last year, but then I guess I just lost the inner urge to continue it! Nevertheless, it does contain a few short posts on Reiki, which should be able to give you a fairly decent introduction to it!
But today, I want to share a few lines of this remarkably inspirational song here, which fill me with passion & courage every time I listen to them!
… when you feel the heat, the world is at your feet
No one can hold you down, if you really want it
Just steal your destiny, right from the hands of fate
Reach for the cup of life, 'Cause your name is on it
Do you really want it...
(Yes, I have been listening to Ricky Martin’s old album “Vuelve”… even though I don’t understand a single word of Spanish!) This particular song was the official song of World Cup 1998… and for good reason too!

The only question is – “Do YOU really want it?”
Then go and get it!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Temporarily Third Eye Blind
She gave it to us, all right. I barely remember the brief ritual that took place in her
Anyway, shortly afterwards is when I think we began to lay hands on each other. I don’t have any vivid memories of it…only snippets in my mind’s eye. But I do remember laying hands on myself and feeling that the “Santo Nino” was blessing me through my hands.
By the time I think I was ten, I grew weary of the auras. It annoyed me that a lot of the “bad kids” had such HUGE auras. That doesn’t make any sense! I would think to myself. I distinctly remember wishing the eye away, one morning while on the playground. I remember feeling that it had been a long time that my sister and cousin and I had even spoken of it or the auras we could see…or laid hands on each other, or anything of the sort. What was the point, anyway? And it was such a bother….
So, now I am an acupuncturist…a massage therapist for over eleven years…and Master Rahbin actually gifted me with my Reiki attunements. I have manipulating energy through my hands and through needles and through thin air – and sometimes time and space…though not as often – and what I wouldn’t give to get that “third eye” back, to see through it as clearly as I had as a child.
And now I ask my Angels to gift it back to me…that I may better serve and facilitate the healing of others through that lens, clearer than my present eyes. Assuming that "getting it back" would make any remarkable difference...which, on second thought, could just be a story.
By the way, this wasn't the entry I had in mind to key-in, but it rolled off the keyboard so I went with it. And to the Master herself: Thank you for opening this space.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
In Search of the Healing Energy
I am always in search of the interrelatedness, the connections between ideas across time, across disciplines, across cultures. I am always in search.
As a person who believes in the eternity of spirit and the fallacies of time as a purely linear construct, I was certain that Reiki was neither new nor a gift only available due to some chance occurrence of Usui's search. If it existed now, if it existed when Usui realigned with it, it existed before and will exist long into the future. Energy is eternal. Healing, the very nature of our universe. What other cultures harnessed this force for better health?
Exactly which string of queries lead me to Coddington's book, I can't recall. I'm just grateful I stumbled upon it. If there were ever a list of books that every healer should own, just as a reference, not as absolute truth, this has to be on such a list.
Coddington offers researched insights on the energy that is at the heart of energy healing. she has put forth a great effort in demonstrating the commonality in energy healing across cultures and time. I found it enlightening. That's not to say that the book is perfect, or that her conclusions should be taken without question or discussion, but they are so delicious to chew on.
In Search of the Healing Energy is what made the connections between energy healing systems real for me. Here are a few examples from work with their corresponding page numbers:
Chi (Chinese)
Ki (Japanese)
Orenda (Native American)
Mana (Kahuna, Polynesians, dating to 10,000BC--page 30)
Prana (Sanskrit)
Pneuma (Pythagoras of Pythagorean Theorem fame--page 45)
Vis medicatrix naturae (Hippocrates--as in MD's Hippocratic Oath--page 48)
Elan Vitale (Bergson)
archaeus (Paracelsus--page 55)
vital force (Hahnemann, founder of homeopathy)
If you are looking for a comprehensive, cross-cultural look into the energy that heals, I highly recommend this book. If anyone can recommend other books that show the interconnectedness of all our strategies, our modalities, of supporting the unobstructed and balanced flow of chi through our bodies, please share with us.